Avenged Sevenfoldcan Putting Ready to Eat Veggies in a Draw That Had Raw Chicken and Beef Bad

Well, it's been well over 24 hours since I last had any sugar and I feel GREAT! 😀

Of course, I must be honest, I did not set out to do this overnight…I have been gradually cutting back on my sugar and carb intake for the past month.  It's the only responsible thing to do considering that I have 5 KIDS whom I homeschool, along with a small farm to run, I don't have the privilege of being curled up in bed all day going through sugar withdrawal (carb crash is another term for it).

It's not an easy thing to do and takes serious work, dedication, and the power of will in order to resist the pull of your body's internal craving for something it is used to getting and relying on to fuel itself.  If you quit "cold turkey" It takes about 3 days to a week to get fully through the withdrawal symptoms and get your body switched over from burning sugar for energy to burning fat for energy.

The main symptoms of sugar withdrawal are this:

  • mood swings
  • brain fog
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • jitteriness
  • problems thinking clearly or easily
  • (nearly) uncontrollable cravings for anything that will boost those sugar levels back up

I slowly weaned myself off sugar and most carbs by first cutting out ALL sweets and junkfood, after that I cut out most ALL alcohol (except for one beer a day-which I stopped yesterday with no ill side effects), then I cut out ALL flour products whether they contained whole wheat flour or white flour and even if it was homemade, then went potatoes and bananas and other "high sugar" fruits and veggies.  I said in my post yesterday that I would allow only for oatmeal (and only in the morning for breakfast), brown rice, and beans…but that is only so I can "feel like" I have lots of yummy food options because I don't really plan to eat them…for the most part, I am not going to eat them.

Generally I would cut something and then wait a couple days for symptoms to subside, after about 2 days-1 week (depending on how long it took symptoms and cravings to subside) I would then cut the next thing, and then the next thing, and then the next thing…until I got to the point where I was ready to kick it altogether.

So, here it is…here is what I ate yesterday:

12 oz. cup of coffee w/ 6oz. raw goat's milk added (for me this cup of coffee really helps a lot, it curbs my appetite for at least 2 hours allowing me to get a lot done before breakfast)

3 med. eggs (from the younger hens, they're better foragers so their eggs are more nutritious) fried in 2 tbsp. butter…eggs are the number one breakfast choice for me, super nutritious and low in carbs

4 slices bacon (drool, I LOVE BACON)

1 egg white (from a soft-boiled egg that I made for Samuel, my 7 month old, I fed him the yolk and I ate the white)

1 cup plain whole milk yogurt (which my 19 month old daughter insisted that I share with her, I think I ate half…maybe.  Despite what the container may say yogurt contains only 4 grams carbs per cup, they always put the nutritional analysis for milk on the yogurt container and don't take into account that the process of fermentation uses up most of the sugar in the milk. Read this article: The Yogurt Exception)

2 med. sized chicken thighs deep fried in peanut oil w/ a sauce consisting of 2 tbsp. butter and 2 tbsp. homemade green habanero hot sauce (OHHHHH YEAH…chicken buffalo style I call this, you don't have to use wings just deep fry any chicken pieces and cover it with butter and hot sauce…finger licking GOOD!)

1 5oz. glass burgandy red wine (A very dry wine and A LOT lower in carbs than beer, only 5 grams)

1 cup raw goat's milk (my midnight snack, 11 carbs but SUPER HEALTHY)

All other beverages were water or herbal tea except for 1 Vitamin Water ZERO (zero calories and sweetened with stevia)

Here's my breakdown from FitDay:

I know it doesn't look like much, but honestly I wasn't hungry at all…the fat really keeps you satiated.  One thing I did was,  for a moment, I wanted to eat a chocolate covered marshmallow that I got as a treat for the kids from the farm store.  I had to go to the farm store and get hay and feed yesterday and they sell chocolates by the pound and I usually get everyone a chocolate covered marshmallow, but I just quickly gave them out to everyone right after dinner so that there would be none around to tempt me 🙂

I'm still breastfeeding my 7 month old and that requires an extra 500-800 calories a day (so the experts say), which makes me kind of nervous about going so low cal…but I trust my body, if it needs more food to produce breastmilk it will let me know.  And all this fat and protein makes for extra nutritious breastmilk!

For activity I unloaded 3 80 pound bales of hay from the car, and 3 50 pound bags of feed.  I also moved around hay and feed bags in the shed to get it better organized and tidy…and of course, there is all the usual running after kids and cleaning the house stuff. …


Source: https://musingsofamountainmama.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/one-week-without-sugar-day-one/

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