I Had Dvt on My Right Leg...how Do I Know if I Have It Again?

Claret clot recurrence is something that happens. Information technology is true that blood clots can happen more than once to the aforementioned person. The fear of blood clot recurrence is non at all uncommon if yous have experienced a blood jell. Y'all are non lone in wondering if – or even when – a blood jell will happen to you once more. While some people but feel ane clotting incident, myself included, some people feel many clotting incidents or even continual clotting, which is frightening to think about. Whether you lot have had one clot or ix clots, the fear of blood jell recurrence is valid because blood clots are unsafe and they tin even be deadly. Blood clots cause physical trauma, pain and discomfort every bit well equally emotional and psychological stress, depression and anxiety. Wondering if a second, tertiary, fourth or 10th blood clot will happen to yous, only increases the sometimes already-present emotional discomfort of surviving something that one in three people sadly do not.

Fear of Blood Clot Recurrence

In the initial days, weeks and months after my diagnosis, I worried about a 2nd claret clot all the time. I was fearful that every twinge, hurting or unusual feeling was another clot moving through my torso (presumably on its way to my heart or lungs) – and I was certain that clot would be the ane to claim my life. The fear consumed me and at times I could barely eat or sleep. I felt alone in my fear and I wondered if I was overreacting, further emphasizing the idea that I should keep my fear to myself. No one understood, I was certain. And so, not long later my initial diagnosis, I found myself trapped in a barbarous cycle of worry and and fear of a blood clot recurrence.

For days, weeks, months and even years I worried, the everlasting fear of a recurrent blood jell was at the forefront of most all of my thoughts. It injure, it took its toll on my physical and emotional wellness – I was tired and broken-hearted – and I feared there was no mode out.

Then one day, about iv years into my recovery, I realized I wasn't afraid of getting another blood jell anymore. It was a miracle, information technology had to exist. That was the only explanation as to why a fear I had held on to for and then long was seemingly suddenly gone – without any actress encouragement on my part. Of course I prayed, pleaded, cried and wished for the fear to become away, simply it hadn't for so long, so why now?

It was then that I realized, I had also come to understand a lot about blood clots – and even more chiefly, a lot about myself – in those same four years. What scared me the most nearly my blood clot was that I had no idea it was happening: I didn't know my risk, I didn't know the symptoms and I didn't know how I could accept prevented any of it. From there, I was able to determine that – armed with knowledge and the passage of time – I had some very valuable tools to assist me face, minimize and almost eliminate my fright of blood clot recurrence.

How to Minimize the Fearfulness of Blood Jell Recurrence

blood clot recurrence tips

Know Your Chance for Blood Clots

Ane of the nigh important things you can exercise to help prevent blood clots is to know your risk for claret clots. I had no idea I was at chance for a blood clot taking nascence control pills with estrogen until a claret jell happened to me. Learn about your risks now.

You are at increased gamble for claret clots if you or a close family member have had a blood jell before; you have had recent major surgery; you take an inherited clotting condition; have cancer; are immobile for a long fourth dimension (confined to bed, long-elapsing plane or car trip, etc.); are pregnant or have recently given birth; or apply estrogen-based birth control pills or estrogen for the treatment of menopause symptoms.

Y'all could also exist at run a risk be at run a risk for a blood clot if you: have a hospital stay, major surgery such as abdominal or pelvic surgery, knee or hip replacement; have major trauma such as an auto blow or fall; live in a nursing home, are immobile, take leg paralysis, are on bed balance for three or more days or are over 65 years quondam; are on a trip for over 4 hours by plane, car, train or bus; have active cancer or chemotherapy treatment; have a bone fracture or cast; are taking estrogen-based birth control pills, patch or ring; are taking estrogen for the treatment of menopause symptoms; are pregnant or have recently gave nascency; accept had a prior claret clot or family history of blood clots; accept eye failure; are extremely overweight; or have a genetic/hereditary or caused blood clotting disorder.

Once yous know your run a risk for claret clots, yous can work with your doctors to determine what steps y'all need to take to aid foreclose blood clots. For instance: I am at risk because I have had a DVT and PE and I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, an autoimmune clotting status. For these hazard factors, I accept a long-term anticoagulant as part of my handling plan. I am also at farther gamble if I sit down for long periods or become inactive. For these additional chance factors, I make sure I motility effectually during the day, accept extra precautions on long trips and do my best to eat well and exercise.

It is important to note that in 30 percent of patients there is no known cause for blood clots, also chosen idiopathic. While this is scary in terms of agreement your take chances, in that location are still important things y'all can do to help ease your fright of blood clot recurrence: recognize signs and symptoms of blood clots and take steps to help forbid claret clots.

Know the Signs and Symptoms of Blood Clots

One of the scariest parts about my claret clot experience is that I had no idea what to watch out for in terms of signs and symptoms of blood clots – and then I did not know I had any until it was almost too late. Had I known that I was at adventure taking birth control pills with estrogen and that severe pain in my leg and difficulty breathing when laying downwardly were symptoms of a DVT and PE, perhaps I would not have waited so long to become help.

A blood jell in your leg or even arm may lead to swelling of your leg or arm, pain or tenderness not caused by an injury or that does not subside, pare that is warm to the touch or skin that is red or discolored. Call your medico if you lot take whatsoever of these symptoms.

A claret clot in your lung can exist life-threatening and may result in difficulty breathing, particularly when lying down, chest pain that worsens with a deep breath, coughing or coughing up blood or a fast or irregular heartbeat. Call 911 or become to the nearest emergency room if you have any of these symptoms.

Take Steps to Help Prevent Claret Clots

The good news is, at that place are many things y'all tin do to help preclude claret clots. Besides knowing your risk and recognizing the signs and symptoms of blood clots you tin can take some fairly simple steps to help preclude blood clots.

Talk your doctors if you accept whatever run a risk factors for blood clots, including a family history of blood clots and together, devise a handling plan. Yous can too talk to your relatives about your family'south history of blood clots. Earlier any surgery or procedures, talk with your doctors about blood clots to take preventative measures. If yous are bars to a bed either in a hospital or at dwelling due to surgery, illness or paralysis, talk to your physician virtually ways to prevent blood clots. If you accept been sitting for long periods or are traveling long distances, get upward and move. Take steps to maintain a healthy weight, don't fume or quit smoking.

Do I still worry about a blood jell happening to me over again? Sure, I do. I recollect that is a very natural part of surviving something that other people do not. I worry from time to time. Notwithstanding, what I can also tell yous is that my fear of blood jell recurrence no longer consumes my thoughts and my time. If I think almost it at all, it is a passing though, most usually connected to a specific retentivity about my blood clot or recovery.

At that place is hope for healing and yous are non lone,


Reader Writes In:  Are you worried about some other blood clot? How do you handle your fear? What tips for facing the fear of claret jell recurrence can yous share with others? Share in the comments.

What does it feel like to recover from a blood clot coverTo acquire more about what it feels similar to recover from a claret jell, visit here.

Are you suffering from low after a claret jell? You're non alone. For some tips to deal with depression afterwards a blood clot, visit here.

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Source: https://bloodclotrecovery.net/blood-clot-recurrence-fear/

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